Tips On Negotiating Car Insurance For Women

Negotiating car insurance for women is not a process that should be that difficult to accomplish. This is because of the fact that the rates for insurance are based on many different factors. A person’s age and driving record are the most predominant factors considered when buying car insurance. This is regardless of gender. Generally, women should receive more favorable car insurance rates than men. Women cause less accidents and are engaged in less aggressive behaviors such as road rage and DUIs than men.

Choose Quality over Price

The first tip is to find an insurance company based on quality, not price. The temptation is to find some “cheap” auto insurance company and believe that paying less is better. That is not always the case. It is possible to do a comparison of rates and benefits between top rated companies and low rated ones and find that the best value is with the better companies.

Speak Directly with an Agent

Once you have found an insurance company, speak with an agent and ask questions about rate differentials between men and women. This will give you insight as to the company’s attitude toward women drivers. If you find a huge disparity between the rates charged for male drivers and female drivers, you may want to consider whether you want to do business with this company.

Review Car Insurance Rates

The rates should be readily available and presented to you upon request. Be prepared to ask questions regarding the basis for the company’s rates and whether such incentives as good driver discounts and accident forgiveness are available. The best company to deal with is one that takes a sex-neutral stance toward drivers and rate you based on your individual driving record in relationship to a class of comparable drivers. Good drivers should pay a lower rate than those drivers who are not.

Gather Competitive Offers

Gather competing offers from different auto insurance companies. Working with a broker gives you the greatest opportunity for different quotes but may not have the same leverage as an agent who represents the insurance company that you want to do business with. Armed with the quotes, a women driver should be able to sit down with a company’s representative and talk about what they may be able to do for you in order to provide a more competitive rate.

Choose the Company that Best Represents You

After the discussions regarding available rates and offers, choose the company that you feel has your best interest as a motorist. Again, a company whose ratings are the most sex-neutral is preferable to those that engage in disparate rating practices that appear to discriminate against women drivers. You should choose that company that you are comfortable working with and who values your business.



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